Have you been dreaming of a journey to Port Aransas but just haven’t sat down at your computer to begin the planning as of yet? Normally, procrastination is not a great thing, but a special event is happening on February 5th, an event that will potentially save you money as it helps you start planning a Texas adventure that will never be forgotten. Book Direct Day is on February 5th, and we at La Mirage Resort Condominiums have created this guide to all the reasons why you should book direct from us!

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Book Direct Day is February 5th!

Stimulating the economy starts with shopping local, and La Mirage is a local company with staff that work, live, and play in the same places you will stay and play. (We hope you don’t have to work while you’re here, but high-speed internet will ensure that you can!) One of the first things you may notice is that Port Aransas really isn’t that big; we’re a small barrier offering just 12 square miles of land. We still manage to provide a fantastic selection of local restaurants, shops, and attractions, and we can continue doing so with a little help from travelers like you, shopping local and keeping the money circulating, creating a circle that ensures the businesses you frequent, including ours, can keep hiring people who can continue the important business of keeping the economy stimulated.

Book Direct Day is February 5th!

Flexibility Isn’t Just for Gymnastics

Life happens, and schedules aren’t always going to be adhered to, but the rules and regulations imposed by those third-party platforms remain rigid, no matter how inconvenient it can be to their guests. We understand that planes are late and that things happen, and if you have booked directly from La Mirage, all you need to do is contact us and we can work together to come up with some kind of solution to your problem. Flexibility is just one of our middle names (comfort, stylish, and welcoming are some others), and your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us, sometimes even outweighing the importance factor of rules.

Personally Yours

If you have ever lived in a small town or have done business with an establishment from a small town, you might have been surprised by the personal touches that accompany your business. Small town businesses get to know you, get to understand your likes and dislikes, and will get the job done, but often with a lot of “How ya doin’, hon?” or “Can we get you another glass of sweet tea?” tossed in for good measure. That personal touch is another reason you will want to book directly with us, and although we may not have a lot of contact, we will always be here to provide direction should you need it. Where’s the best restaurant for an anniversary dinner? Which sunset cruise provides the best services? What is the one thing a first time visitor should see when visiting Port Aransas? All of these questions and so many more can be easily answered with a phone call, a text, or by reading through our blogs, and that isn’t a service you can expect from those companies with all those initials in their names.

Book Direct Day is February 5th!

Spend Less for More

If you were to continue to frequent those other big-name third-party platforms, you already know about the extra fees that accompany the “privilege” of using their sites, but did you know that you are also missing out on some great deals when you don’t book direct from the source? Last-minute bargains on unrented properties, seasonal sales, exclusive package deals—all of these can be found when you let your fingers scroll their way to our website. And with the money you save, you can put it to use in trying out a fancy restaurant, extending your vacation an extra day, or maybe buying that cute new swimsuit that you talked yourself out of because it was a little pricey for your budget. Who knew that booking direct on February 5th could do all of this for you? We did, of course, and we are happy to share the knowledge with you!

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La Mirage Welcomes You

Saving money, personal service, flexibility, and stimulating the economy—is there a downside to booking direct? Other than the realization that you could have been doing it all along, we can’t think of a thing! Book your relaxing Texas sanctuary direct from us on February 5th and prepare for a vacation you will never forget. Oh, and one more thing. You really can book direct every day of the year! Contact us to book your stay today. Browse our rentals by bedroom here.